It is late again and I'm in the mood for writing about my thoughts. I have thought long and hard about things after every person I met and every event I have visited so far. I'll start with this lecture about where books come from and where do they go in Trükimuuseum. I learned an important thing about death during that lecture, if some books must be eliminated, because they get old, unpopular or there's just too many of them, it's the same with people - some must die for others to live. If not one book was eliminated from this world, the earth would be covered with books, same with people and this planet is already too crowded. It is funny, I believe I have lived as many lives as I have read books, because every one of them has given me another life and took me on an adventure, even those I didn't like. Perhaps that's why I am calmer than my peers and some mistakes have left undone, because I kind of made them through the books I read. I love the smell of books, old and new, they are magical, they are my Narnia…
Another thing that makes me super happy is the bakery on my street, I visited it on a rainy morning an hour after opening and most of the things were already sold. I bought a cinnamon bun, which was warm, a carrot cake and a raspberry brownie, everything was just too delicious, yummy in my tummy. The bakery was born during the festival called Supilinna Päevad as an experiment and a year later they opened a bakery permanently. The festival was also heartwarming, I got to know the neighborhood and all the wonderful places in our district, there are swans here and a beach and cute houses. Plus the people are sweet, this one morning a boy came up to me and told a joke, just for fun and it made my day.
Music style, which I learned about in Tartu and also started appreciating is stoner rock, it is mesmerizing, just like a hypnosis or something… There was this event called Aprillikivi, which consisted of two days full of throwing hair and listening to guys and their instruments scream in the mic, funny but it was somewhat soothing. Another funny thing I found out was that some Estonians in front of the stage weren't even moving to the music, how can you not move when the music is playing, I'm always moved by music, can not do it any other way, maybe it's weird, but for me moving comes naturally. I remember this one time I was smoking in front of a bar and I was moving to the beat that was haunting me from another bar, basically I heard it in my head and some guy called me crazy, oh well, that's his problem.
I also learned that Student Days are mostly fun if you're a student, because it's just like listening to an inside joke - you can think that it's funny, but in real life, you just don't get it the right way. One challenge I did take during that week and it was like an adventure journey, basically all of the people were divided into groups, I took the one with a longer route and for three hours we walked and visited almost all districts of Tartu, about 18km. It was a mad thing to do without previous preparation, but the walk was full of magic. I got tired, my shoes drowned in mud, I had to climb wobbly stairs and I hate stairs in general, I even fell once, because it was dark and I stumbled upon some tree roots - it was truly an experience, a challenge, but I did it.
I went dancing the next night, because it was Walpurgis Night, which is the night of witches, but also the celebration of coming of spring, the time when love is awakened in our hearts after a long winter. As a hopeless romantic, I also met someone I really liked on that night, but haven't heard of him since, but what I realized is that it's important to have standards and not settle for anything less than what you truly like and are happy with. I once said to myself that I will never be in a relationship just to keep away the loneliness, because what if your true love will come along and you already are with someone and lose that chance to be with someone truly amazing who is a better match. I'm just saying that have a little patience.
I have thought about what kind of a person I would like to see by my side and finally I know - I want a positive person who is also ambitious and good looking. Call me shallow, but I believe that appearance is important. I'm not saying it's everything, but it's important for me. Another story is what is beautiful according to me or someone else. So remember, never settle for someone you don't see a future with, because there is a person who meets your expectations, trust me on that.
Let's go back to music topic, two things I wanted to tell you about. There's this band called Von Dorpat and a friend of mine is in that band. I think that they are truly talented young men, making music only in Estonian. It is admirable, because not everybody can write songs in Estonian, it is hard. It's not like French, which you can twist around or add an "e" to the end for it to rhyme nor is it like English, where there are so many ways to say the same thing. One of my favorites is this song, it captures the spirit of Tartu - a bit sad on the words, but romantic and with a note of hopefulness.
Another song that has been following me for two weeks now is something I heard on Estonian Idol. The guy who sang it on the show is also from Tartu and he amazed me, I heard for the first time, why he is still running for the title. The song is originally sang by Sam Smith, listen to it here.
So today was laundry day, finally ran out of clean underwear. Hand washed all of my black clothes, since I do not own a washing machine. Still have blue, pink and white clothes waiting to get clean. I noticed that I'm most active with chores in the early morning and late at night. I guess in between I'm just working. Living alone teaches to get things done, because no one else is going to do them for you. Another thing about chores is to do them every day, then it's not that overwhelming than to do everything at once. I also feel that I'm physically very weak, this one time I couldn't open a bottle and the other time when I was getting some wood for heating and the logs just fell from my hands, I cried a little. My dresser is falling apart and I have no idea how to repair it, I'm such a mess sometimes, but at least I can run around naked and not heat my apartment, because I like it a little bit cold, it helps me sleep better.
You know, I have always sucked at physics, but nevertheless I have also always been fascinated by the subject. I even started reading Michio Kaku "Parallel Worlds" and even though I don't understand much, I am fascinated. I went to listen to a lecture about physics and music, what connects them and I found out that a lot of things. You can make a bagpipe out of a plastic bag and an ordinary pipe, sounds logical, it was so cool. All of the cool gas that alters the voice, the lecturer also blew up a balloon full of some other gas, all in all, there is a strong connection between the two and I wish I saw these tests when I was in school, maybe I would have been intrigued enough to study the subject harder. I guess there are two ways of how to decide on what to study further - either you know about it a lot and you want more, because you're good at it or you know nothing about it and you're dying from curiosity. I even started watching The Big Bang Theory from the very first episode, maybe it's not a very legit show, but it's funny.
So I was watching Dr.Oz and a couple of things I'd like to share with you. He suggested to drink coffee with a piece of butter instead of milk and sugar, crazy right? Who wants to try it with me? Another topic was preventing cancer, there are three things you can consume to reduce the risk - 5 cups of green or oolong tea, 3 cups of coffee a day and a couple of peaches a week. Sounds easy enough and all of those things that I already love to drink/eat. I guess my body loves me so much that it craves for the things that prolong my lifetime. That's it for this time, so love your body, let it love you back, don't forget to listen to what it's telling you and keep your balance!
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